St Peter's CofE Junior School

St Peter's CofE Junior School

A place for all to flourish

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Making a Difference Project Days

Over the year, our pupils participate in several 'Making a Difference' project days where year groups focus on a certain project usually linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


This is normally also linked to our curriculum so that pupils can either apply their knowledge of learning they have already been taught or provides pupils with some background knowledge before they embark on a future unit of learning.



These are:


Armistice Day project (Year 5)


International Day for Abolition of Slavery (Year 6)


International Day of Education (Year 4)


Black History Month project (Year 3)


World Day of Social Justice project (Year 5)


International Women's Day project (Year 3)


Earth Day Project (Year 4)


World Ocean Day Project (Year 6)

Learning from our Year 4 International Day of Education

Learning from our Year 6 International Day for Abolition of Slavery

Learning from our Year 5 Armistice Day

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