Gardening Club & Allotment
Our school garden and allotment is located north of the playground and is looked after by Mr Farrell and the Gardening Club. Mr Farrell also looks after various pots and beds around the school site too. Plants tendered for on the allotment by gardening club are transferred after each term to decorate the beds and pots around school.
The gardening area may be used by pupils when supervised by a staff member such as one to one time or outdoor class activities.
The school grounds are maintained by a Nottinghamshire County Council grounds team who do a great job in creating a beautiful environment for our pupils, staff and visitors all year round.
Gardening Club
Started in 2019 by Mr Farrell, this club runs between September to October half term and then April after the Easter break through to July.
Session time is 3.30pm to 4.45pm and the cost per session per child is £4.00.
This cost helps cover expenses such as the plants and compost. Children do get the chance to bring home items from gardening club such as plants, craft items or harvested food.
Most plants grown and tendered too on the allotment eventually get transferred to other pots and beds around the school grounds. This is a great way of maintaining a beautiful school environment!
Children WILL NEED their own wellies and a waterproof coat as sessions will take place in the rain and mud.
Parents, Grandparents or Carer's are welcome too! Please contact Mr Farrell:
School Governors also help out at the club and work behind the scenes to prep jobs and transport goods in.
If your child is interested, please contact the school office asap. Numbers are limited to a total of 12 spaces, so if we are over-subscribed names will be drawn from a hat. You will be advised if your child has been allocated a place by text and then payment will be due.
Gardening Club - September 2019 Gardening Club - June 2023
When your place has been confirmed it is possible to pay in the following ways:
- Via ParentPay – you should see a new item called ‘Gardening Club’ when you log in. This is our preferred method of payment.
- Via cash or cheque to the school office along with the permission slip in a clearly marked envelope. Cheques should be made payable to ‘NCC re St Peters (Rud) Jnr SF ’.

The Beds