St Peter's CofE Junior School

St Peter's CofE Junior School

A place for all to flourish

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Our Governing Body forms a key part of the school and works closely with the head teacher, staff and local authority. It oversees the strategic leadership of the school, providing support and challenge to help the Head Teacher in moving the school forward and ensures that the school functions well in terms of standards, staffing, curriculum, premises and finance.

Strategic, Personnel & Pupils Committee

Finance & General Purpose Committee

Membership of our Governing Body

Our Governing Body consists of 16 people:

> Head Teacher

> 1 appointed Local Authority Governor

> 3 Foundation Governors

> 1 elected Staff Governor 

> 6 Co-opted Governors

> 4 elected Parent Governors


The Full Governing Body meets 3 times a year, once each term. In addition there are 2 committees that meet at more regular intervals throughout the year.









Sept 2022 - July 2023

Possible / Actual

First Appointed

Start Date


End Date


Mrs Sheila Johnson-Marshall

Chair and

Appraisal Governor

Co-opted19 / 1931 Aug 198110 Mar 202309 Mar 2027
Mrs Ruth Keen

Vice-Chair and

SEND Governor

Co-opted12 / 1219 Mar 201806 Oct 202105 Oct 2025
Mr Michael BradleyHeadteacherHeadteacher19 / 1901 Jan 202001 Jan 2020 
Mr Robert DoddHealth & Safety Governor 1Local Authority12 / 1208 Mar 200307 Oct 202206 Oct 2026
Rev Andrew Buchanan Foundation10 / 1207 Feb 201107 Feb 2011 
Mr David Baker Foundation10 / 1231 Mar 202131 Mar 202130 Mar 2025
Mrs Nikki RoeSafeguarding GovernorFoundation8 / 1215 Nov 201715 Nov 202114 Nov 2025
Mrs Caroline HoughtonStaff GovernorStaff- / -12 Jul 2024

12 Jul


11 Jul


Mrs Hannah RobertsStaff GovernorStaff8 / 1105 Jul 2020

05 Jul


04 Jul


Mr David AllcockHealth & Safety Governor 2Co-opted11 / 1226 Sep 201826 Sep 202225 Sep 2026
Mr David BaxterAppraisal GovernorCo-opted6 / 1211 Mar 20159 Mar 202308 Mar 2027
Mr Lee Farrell Co-opted12 / 1211 Feb 20149 Mar 202308 Mar 2027
Mr Albert VenablesPupil Premium GovernorCo-opted10 / 1226 Sep 201826 Sep 202225 Sep 2026
Mrs Nicola Burton Parent9 / 1204 May 202204 May 202203 May 2026
Ms Samantha Geyer Parent9 / 1227 Feb 202027 Feb 202026 Feb 2024

Leahanne Richards

Training Co-ordinatorParent12 / 1216 Mar 202216 Mar 202215 Mar 2026
Miss Julia Stapely Parent- / -14 May 202414 May 202413 May 2028
Mrs Kelly Wilson Parent4 / 713 Dec 202213 Dec 202212 Dec 2026


Instrument of Government

‘Hardcopies of information displayed are available upon request, as an eco-friendly school we would prefer to email documents where an email address is provided.’


Governor Register of Interests

Governors have certified to say that they have declared all beneficial interests which they or any person closely connected with them have with businesses or other organisations which may have dealings with the school.

Name of Governor

Name of Business or Organisation or Person or Educational Establishment

Nature of Business or Relationship

Nature of Interest

(not required for relationships)

Date of Appointment or Acquisition

(not required for relationships)

Date of Cessation of Interest

(not required for relationships)

Date of Entry            

Mrs Sheila Johnson-Marshall

None declared






Mr Robert Dodd

None declared






Mr Michael Bradley

None declared






Mr David Allcock

None declared






Mr David Baker

None declared






Mr David Baxter

None declared






Rev Andrew Buchanan

None declared






Mrs Nicola Burton

None declared






Mr Lee Farrell

Nottingham Brick-Fix

Daughter's step father




Mrs Caroline Houghton      

Mrs Ruth Keen

None declared







Leahanne Richards

None declared






Mrs Hannah Roberts

None declared






Mrs Nikki Roe

None declared





Miss Julia Stapely      

Mr Albert Venables

None declared





Mrs Kelly WilsonThe English ScholarEmployeeI left mainstream teaching in July 2022 and set up my own tutoring business in Ruddington. Currently, I do not have any clients who attend St Peters  19/12/2022





Contact the Governing Body

Please contact via the school office: or Tel: 0115 9743303

Get in touch
