St Peter's CofE Junior School

St Peter's CofE Junior School

A place for all to flourish

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Green Team


Green Team Mission Statement

Our Green Team, which is made up over 50 pupils at St. Peter’s, is committed to improving the World in which we live.

Climate Change is an issue that everyone needs to do something about.

The Green Team is about raising awareness but it is also about TAKING ACTION:

  • taking action in schools;
  • taking action at home;
  • taking action in and around the community.

We have a working action plan and every time we complete an objective, we add a leaf, flower or fruit to this dead tree, so it comes alive!

We can all make a difference and the Green Team are advocates of the change that needs to happen.

If you have a question, comment or idea, find someone who is wearing one of these badges and speak to them about it.

Alternatively, you could email the group at: 



Get in touch
